This will bring better clarity over voice, text and data allowances, and simplify the way that charges are reported on the invoice.

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Updated mid-tariff upgrade

We’ve listened to your feedback and we’re changing the way that tariff upgrades are processed.

This will bring better clarity over voice, text and data allowances, and simplify the way that charges are reported on the invoice.

With immediate effect, when a customer upgrades their tariff part way though the month, their existing allowance will remain in place and we will add the new allowance to it.

So, for example, if a customer upgrades from a tariff with 8Gb of data allowance to 30Gb halfway through the month:

  1. They will keep their allowance of 8Gb of data from the original tariff across the whole month. This allowance was invoiced at the start of the month.
  2. In addition to the existing 8Gb, they will receive half of the new 30Gb data allowance (15Gb), resulting in a total of 23Gb during that month.
  3. PLEASE NOTE, any additional charges received prior to the tariff upgrade as a result of going beyond the original limits will still be invoiced on the next bill. Increasing an allowance does not negate existing charges.
  4. In the next available invoice, the customer will be charged a month’s line rental in advance. No change there, but we’ll also include the additional line rental from the upgrade.

Talk to our Customer Service team if you have any questions about our mid-tariff upgrade process, who will be happy to help.


03300 88 18 18

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